Forage, feed modulation and feeding of meat sheep

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Ideal forage and feed IIW China feed industry information network – based on feed, service animal husbandry

The ideal forage is a grass, Clover, potato, etc., fine materials include corn, bran, bean cakes and black beans. After the sheep is broken, it will be added 0.4 kg, 2-2.5 kilograms of dry grass, 2 kg of silage, 0.5 kg of silage; in summer should make it more, then reduce the hay, then reduce the fine powder and salt, Hello 2% and 1% of the products. IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Bit Feed , Service animal husbandry

1. Field dry: Suitable for less rainwater, after pasture harvesting or piled up in a small pile to dry.

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

2 Stacks into conical or ridges, 70-80 cm thick, 20-30 cm away from the ground, maintaining surrounding winds, and rainfall facilities on the upper side of the straw shelter; general air drying time is 1-3 weeks.

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Service Animal Husbandry

3, Brown Hay Modulation: Suitable for the rainy season, dry the grass wind to 50% water content, layered palletize 3-5 meters high. Time of the pallet is added to the total amount of the pasture of 0.5% -1% (for moisture-proof), and press layer-by-layer, and the water is increased, and some moisture is evaporated. After 1-2 months, turned into it naturally.

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

4, feeding: Quality hay is suitable for the whole plant and feeds with the fine material.

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Bit Feed, Service Animal husbandry 1. Crushing: After straw crushing, it can improve the right level and reduce waste. It can be used with a mixture.

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

2, Fermentation Law: Use Microbiology by fermentation to decompose straw cellulose, improve straw nutrients, improve crude protein content.

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

3, Amination Law: Aminidating Law: Amini is ammonia with straw under sealing conditions using liquid nitrogen, ammonium carboniumTreatment.

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Service Animal Husbandry

4, Silac Method: Corn Straw Harvesting Corn Survey in silage, the silage method is similar to the ammonia.

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based Feed, serving animal husbandry Root-type feed refers to block roots, stems or melones, such feed, high moisture content, soft texture, rich in sugar, easy to digest, and rich Vitamins are an important feed for winter supplementation. After the root feed is harvested, it is generally used in indoor stacking or hidden, which can be slightly dry before storage, remove surface moisture. Root stem feed should be washed soaked before feeding, avoid feeding sheep with whole tissue feeds to avoid esophageal obstruction.

IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

Five, the modulation and feeding of fine feed IIW China Feed Industry Information Network Feed, serving animal husbandry

The fine feed mainly refers to food, cakes and animal protein feed. Its processing methods are mainly used by crushing, and the refined feed requirements are made of a variety of food and cakes. become. Don’t be too much, otherwise sheep is easily ill. IIW China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

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