Relationship between corn starch decenesis and feed particle quality

LIMA Fish Feed Machine,Chicken Feed Machine

Feed manufacturing causes the physical chemistry of the raw material, which may have starch. Regarding the impact of gelatinous starch on animal production performance, it has not contained in the past studies. The broiler feed usually contains high proportion of cereals, so there are many starch. When heated with water, the starch was gelatinated and the pulverized feed was bonded together (Mommer and Ballantyne, 1991). Previous studies explore the effects of genolar starch in the diet on particle mass and broiler production, there is a positive and negative (Moritz et al, 2001, Moritz et al, 2002a, Moritz et al, 2002B). However, some people have been speculated that the germline in addition to the role of bonding particles, it may also have an impact on broiler production performance. D8X China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

The cereal starch has helped the enzyme contact glycoside to promote digestion (Moran, 1989, Colonna et al, etc., 1992). Allred et al. (1957) reported that with granulated, then pulverized corn is made into full price diet, corresponding weight gain and feed conversion are significantly improved than the same diet prepared by unprocessed corn. However, the later studies have determined this diet made of granulated, then pulverized corn. The conclusion is that there is no nutritional advantage to broilers in addition to the starch of the diet (Sloan et al., 1971, Naber and Touchburn, 1969). Moreover, Plavnik et al. (1997) found that the grain branches made of granulated, stirred milling corn, which produced the production performance than the meat chickens fed by the same diet of unprocessed. Let the starch in the raw materials have been placed as a principle to produce high-quality particle feeds. However, by promoting starch deamping to increase particle quality may, the use of negative use of nutrients, which will cancel the promotion of granulation of animal production performance. D8X China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Service Animal Husbandry

This study is to process corn in accordance with usually produced methods, replacing the unprocessed corn to formulate complete diet in different proportions. The aim is to make several dietary starch containing different ratios and from different commercial processing methods. As a unique processing raw material with corn, it is to avoid confusion in highlipin or high protein raw materials. Corn granules or extrusion before formulation, and crush again. The percentage of the granulated corn provides the percentage of routine granulation feed, and the extrusion provided is a gelatinization level of extremely high percentage. Feeding 0, 3 weeks old young chickens using these feeds, exploring the impact of starch transformation caused by processing. D8X China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

Raw corn and plusThe rendering value of the worn corn is similar, which is very important because the starch concentration of the diet can affect the feed intake of broilers (Naber and Touchburn, 1969). The water content of the diet of the nutrient concentration can also affect the feed intake (Moritz et al, 2001, Moritz et al., 2002a). However, the water content of several corn is similar, and corn is not a single raw material that determines the water content of the day. Although the raw and processed corn is pulverized by the same hammer pulverizer screen, the particle size is still different, but the standard difference between different particle sizes is similar. The percentage of starch is calculated relative to the calculation of the raw corn, and the starch transmissa rate of granulated corn and extruded corn increases to 29% and 92%, respectively. The percentage of dietary starch containing 3/3 granulated corn is similar to the diet containing 1/3 extrusion corn. Several maize gemmation peak temperatures are similar. There is no significant interaction between corn processing types and proportions in diet. Ferry corn grain broiler, compared with the feeding of the corn day, the feed intake is low, and the feed efficiency is high. The growth and mortality of the meat chicken is not affected by the type of corn. The particle size difference between the corn type may explain the differences in the above production performance. The results show that the corn granularity of the powder diet affects the feed preferences, weight gain, growth efficiency and metabolism of broilers (PORTELA et al., 1988, Healy, 1992, 1994). The granular granular granularity of our study was averaged 231 mu; m. Healy (1992) found that the grain grain grain, hard sorghum, or soft sorghum, the particle size of 900 mu; M; mu; M, M, rising the feed efficiency of 0-3 week old broilers (P u003d 0.001). For corn-based diet, improve feed efficiency is to reduce the feed intake of broiler and increase nitrogen correction, but healy (1992) does not count on all kinds of grain production performance. analyze. Wondra et al. (1995) believes that the reduced particle size increases the surface area and makes nutrients more easily contact with digestive enzymes. D8X China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

Nir et al. (1994B), feeding 900 mu; Mcillac, broiler, and feeding 1 000 mu ; M or 2 000 mu; McCye grains compared to the feed efficiency and weight growth during 1-3 weeks of age increase significantly. The author speculates that these differences may be due to changes in gastrointestinal tract. Nir et al. (1994C) found, feeding crude grain grain (2 000 mu; m corn, wheat or sorghum) broiler, feeding 600 MU;M or 1 000 mu; m A same grain compared to the grain of the 21 days (P u003d 0.01).Similarly, Healy (1992) was observed, feeding 900 mu; M grain broiler and fed 300 mu; M cereals compared to muscle stomach and gandereast.NIR et al (1994C) proposed that the physiological changes of gastrointestinal tract may affect the appetite and feed of broilers.Healy (1992) speculated that the weight of the gastrointestinal organs may affect the maintenance of the sustain energy of broilers. D8X China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry

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