Weaning pigs, why, pulse, corn, crushing granules

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Some breeding households reflect: Why piglets use large manufacturers in the child feed to rare, but the feed of the small feed manufacturer is not rained? After I have practiced in the pig farm and feed enterprises And see the reasons for review: Piglets absorb nutrition, especially proteins, must have enough energy, energy and protein proportion, that is, absorb a variety of energy to absorb a protein. If energy is not enough, the corresponding protein absorption is reduced; if the remaining protein is too high, it is easy to cause the piglet nutrient-free pulse. Male manufacturers generally concentrate, soybean meal, etc. The corresponding digestive absorption rate is relatively low, so as long as it is not too big, it is basically non-diarrhea, but the growth is certainly slow! QWY China feed industry information network – based on feed, service animal husbandry
QWY China Feed industry information network – based on feed, service animal husbandry
So, what is the cause of corn energy? There are two main aspects. Maize quality: Maize used in the market is divided into convex (hard) corn and corn corn. The top recessed is named when the curved corn is matured, mainly in the northeast. Hard corn is named after the top of the top, mainly in most parts of China. Easy corn is easy to digest, hard cornesis is not easy to digest, so the hard corn should be pulverized. QWY China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry
Qwy China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Serving Animal Husbandry
Corn’s Crushed Particle Size. The pig is in the breastfeeding stage, because the lack of gastric digestive enzymes, causing stomach fragile, relatively low digestive ability, so it cannot be digested some crude feed. Before May 20, Weihai many farmers reported that small pigs were rare, but they were fine, and they had yellow, gray, and other rare, including many non-digestible corn granules. After viewing corn crushing and pulverizing machine It was found that many pig farms have the same one, mostly 2.0. However, this pig is very easy to indigest, even if it is not rare due to excessive corn waste, pigs will grow slow! The pig and mother sow are 1.8 ~ 2.0 or more, otherwise it is easy to stomach ulcers. QWY China Feed Industry Information Network – Based on Feed, Service Animal Husbandry

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